Welcome to GYOZU™
Welcome to GYOZU™Cinematic™ Editor
Gyozu Cinematic™ is for cinematographers who love movies from the 1970s and 80s. Our editing software helps filmmakers digitally re-create the shot-on-film beauty of the classics. We're here to restore artistry to the movie industry.
Welcome to GYOZU™Super35™ Grading
Did you love the gorgeous-color and natural-thrill of real 35-millimeter film? We know you dream of Kodak Eastman™ 5247 and 7247 stocks. Our Super35™ FX-engine delivers this gorgeous look. We're leading a renaissance in cinema.
Welcome to GYOZU™OpenGL™ Nodes
Share and swap custom-looks with other indie film-makers. Gyozu lets you create custom cinematic-filters for ultimate control over your image. Roll your own GLSL™ code and drop it straight into the node pipeline. Your filter is compiled in real-time.
Welcome to GYOZU™OpenColorIO™
How your movie looks is important to you. For this reason, Gyozu Cinematic™ uses the Industry-leading OpenColorIO™ system. We deliver perfect, end-to-end color-management. Your breathtaking shots will stay looking that way.
Welcome to GYOZU™Kubrix™ Graphics Engine
Gyozu Cinematic™ uses a Kubrix™ graphics-engine for supersonic peformance. We test Gyozu with Nvidia™ hardware, and can attest to its blazing-fast editing performance. Using our software on Linux Mint Debian™ is absurdly quick.
Welcome to GYOZU™Designed for Linux™
We know that you want the fastest access to hardware in the world. For this reason Gyozu Cinematic™ is designed exclusively for Linux. We want you using the best; so we only make software for secure operating-systems.
Welcome to GYOZU™Open-Source
Gyozu Cinematic™ is only distributed as open-source code. This encourages artists to inspect the code, and then complile it locally. You can check through every line of Gyozu™ code to ensure its integrity; and that your privacy is respected.
Welcome to GYOZU™Unbreakable
The Gyozu™ team includes tough, movie-industry veterans. We empower renegade film-makers by giving you free-access to the best tools in the world. Gyozu™ is located on the Pacific Coast, in the Unceded Territory of the First Nations People
Welcome to GYOZU™Powered by FFMPEG™
If you can dream-up the codec, Gyozu Cinematic™ can fearlessly ingest it. Feel the power of the FFMPEG encoder-decoder engine that roars beneath the hood. Edit your footage in luxurious Cineform™ or other industrial-standard codecs.
Welcome to GYOZU™Built by Storytellers
Gyozu Cinematic™ helps you focus on storytelling. Our software is designed especially for artists. Most editing software distracts and confuses artists. Instead, Gyozu™ helps you achieve the film-look you're after with zero bullshit.
Welcome to GYOZU™Spiritually Advanced
The Gyozu Cinematic™ edit system is designed to run on an air-gapped computer. This means corrupt-power systems can't spy on you. Gyozu™ is for renegades using offline-workstations; without WiFi soldered to the mainboard.
Welcome to GYOZU™For Feature Films Only
The Gyozu™ editing system is for feature films only. We don't make our software for 'content creators'. We make our software for movie directors; editors; and colorists. We're the only editing-tool that is designed exclusively for real artists.

Welcome to GYOZU™

Download Gyozu

Email: us@gyozu.com

HQ: Vancouver, Pacific Coast,

The Unceded Territory,

Continental North America