Welcome to GYOZU™

The world-wide-web began as a library of shared-information, but it has become a surveillance network. For this reason, Gyozu does not have an http website beyond this single page. Although we believe that the internet has a future for distributing books, movies and audio files, we don't feel it has a future as a general source of information.

Any website that contains significantly challenging or interesting information is de-listed by the establishment search-engines. Instead, these search-engines push corporate-propaganda sites. Humanity is flooded by artificially-generated content specifically engineered to scare and exploit us. The only objective of these websites is to induce a subconscious anxiety which keeps the viewer clicking on adverts and buying things they don't need.

Establishment-interests have induced an entire generation to stare dead-eyed, like zombies, into Instagram and Facebook feeds. The world-wide-web began as a library, but has turned into a shopping mall.

Your 'smart'-phone is a surveillance device and turns you into a node on the fear-grid. Institutional power-systems use your browsing-habits to analyze your deepest fears and then manufacture 'news' designed purely to keep you in a constant state of fear, consumption, and addiction.

Gyozu Engineering entirely rejects the world-wide-web surveillance grid. For this reason, we have no website and we communicate only via PGP encrypted email. To contact us, email: us@gyozu.com and request our public PGP key.