Welcome to GYOZU™ Welcome to GYOZU™

Cinematic Film Tools™

Gyozu Cinematic™ is editing software for afficiondos of classic films from the 1970s and 80s. We empower movie-makers to re-create the shot-on-film beauty of classics like American Graffiti™ (1973); Apocalypse Now™ (1979); and The Lost Boys™ (1987).

Super35™ Color Grading
Gyozu Cinematic™ helps movie-makers to achieve the gorgeous-color and natural-thrill of real 35-millimeter film. We know you dream of Kodak Eastman™ 5247 and 7247 stocks. Our Super35™ digital color-grading process focuses entirely on this analog-look.

Air-gapped™ Security
Everyone knows that Hollywood is full of vampires. Your first line of defense is to stay out of Los Angeles. The second is to use Gyozu Cinematic™ on an air-gapped computer. Real-artists use offline-workstations without WiFi soldered to the mainboard.
Welcome to GYOZU


How your movie looks is important to you. For this reason, Gyozu Cinematic™ uses the cutting-edge OpenColorIO™ system for perfect, end-to-end color-management. Your multi-million-dollar footage will stay looking that way.

If you can dream-up the codec, Gyozu Cinematic™ can fearlessly ingest it. Feel the breathtaking power of the FFMPEG encoder-decoder engine that roars in the heart of GYOZU™. Edit your footage in luxurious Cineform™ or other industrial-standard codecs.

Linux Mint Debian™
Gyozu Cinematic™ is designed to run on the Linux Mint Debian™ operating system. We test Gyozu Cinematic™ for best-performance on this platform. We want you to have an insanely-great experience; so we focus on one operating system only.

Download GYOZU
Download Gyozu Cinematic For Linux Mint Debian™

Entirely Open-Source

Gyozu Cinematic™ is an open-source movie-editing suite. This means that the software is yours to keep, forever. You can check through every line of code to ensure its integrity; and that your artistic privacy is respected. To download the code, click here.

Built with Integrity
The Gyozu™ team includes survivors of the decaying Hollywood system. We completely reject the disgusting-mess of child-abuse that haunts Los Angeles. Our studio is located on the Pacific Coast, in the Unceded Territory of the First Nations People.

3D Accelerated
Gyozu Cinematic™ is designed to work with a range of high-performance graphics cards. We test the software with Nvidia hardware, and can attest to its blazing-fast editing performance. Gyozu™ on Linux Mint Debian™ is absurdly quick.
Welcome to GYOZU™

North America: Pacific Coast HQ

Japan: 新宿 Tokyo, 日本


Cinematic Editor™

Screenplay Writer™

Kubrix Workstation™